Onboarding in Teamio

Onboarding in Teamio is a special add-on that tracks the first months of a new employee at a new company. It’s a series of six short conversations - one before joining and five during the probation period. The new employee evaluates, for example, their first days on the job, familiarization with the new role, cooperation with colleagues, job description and other aspects that are crucial for successful onboarding.

All their answers are compiled in a clear report available to HR and the new employee’s manager. This makes it possible to fine-tune the entire onboarding process, catch any problems early on and increase the chances of further cooperation.

How it works

  1. Onboarding in Teamio

    To start the onboarding process, just click on the "Onboarding" button. Information about all new employees is automatically sent to Arnold.

  2. Scheduling conversations

    Arnold schedules each new employee’s conversations based on their start date. At the right time, he’ll send out invitations to them, via e-mail or SMS.

  3. Chatting with Arnold

    The new employee opens the conversation link in any browser and answers the questions in a natural way. The chat works on both a traditional computer and on a phone.

  4. Report distribution

    Once the first conversations are completed, a report is created and sent to HR and, if applicable, the new employee's managers. The reports can also serve as a basis for a face-to-face interview with the new employee.

Main benefits

Catching the problem early

  • On average, 31% of employees leave their jobs in the first six months, primarily due to a poor onboarding experience.
  • The average response rate for onboarding at Teamio is more than 70%. This significantly increases the chances of catching potential problems faced by new employees.
  • Eight out of ten managers work with the results and are therefore directly involved in onboarding of their people.

Employer image building

  • Thousands of new employees have already gone through onboarding with Teamio and 97% of them rate it positively.
  • It's a proven method of communication that hundreds of companies have already used.
  • The company shows interest in the successful adaptation and satisfaction of new employees and thus boosts its employer image.

Higher new employee retention

  • With smart reports, you can catch the problem early and address it immediately.
  • New employees feel heard from the start, boosting their motivation and enthusiasm for their new job.
  • You can follow long-term trends and gradually improve the onboarding process to the greatest satisfaction of new employees.

No extra work for HR

  • After the initial setup, everything runs as you wish without the need for any further intervention.
  • The scheduling of surveys is completely automatic according to the start date of each new employee.
  • Distribution of reports to managers is also automatic and they are sent immediately after the survey is completed. In addition, responses requiring attention are flagged in the reports.


Onboarding process

Schedule conversations for the new employee before and during their probation period.


7 days
Welcoming the new employee
  • Do they have information about the start date?
  • Do they have any concerns?
  • What are they most looking forward to?


14 days
First days at work
  • What is their feedback on the selection procedure?
  • What are their impressions of the first days – was everything ready?
  • Do they need help with anything or is anything lacking?
20 days
Getting to know the new role
  • Do they know what all the job is/will be?
  • Do they know what is expected of them during the probation period?
  • What is the training process?
35 days
Cooperation with colleagues and supervisor
  • Do they feel comfortable among their colleagues?
  • Cooperation with superiors
  • Did anything surprise them?
50 days
Job description
  • Do they enjoy work?
  • Does it fulfill their expectations?
  • How do they rate their workload and work environment?
65 days
First three months in the new job
  • Do they understand how the organization works?
  • Do they feel sufficiently prepared for the new job?
  • Will employee NPS stay the same?

Price list

10,000 CZK
Up to 30 new employees/year
Arnold Teamio
15,000 CZK
Up to 45 new employees/year
Arnold Teamio
25,000 CZK
Up to 75 new employees/year
Arnold Teamio

Customized surveys   +9,000 CZK

Customized surveys allow you to tailor individual conversations and get ahead in planning onboarding in Teamio.


What if I want to edit a conversation?

That's no problem, all surveys can be tailored in collaboration with us to suit your exact needs. However, in the case of modifications, the payment is increased by a one-off fee of 9,000 CZK.

Who's Arnold?

Arnold is a chat tool that collects data through conversation. Arnold can invite participants to join the conversation via e-mail and SMS. On average, 70% of employees surveyed chat to him, and they very often rate the fluency and naturalness of the conversation positively.

Who will see the results?

This is up to you, the standard summary report for all new employees is sent to HR, and the reports for sub-departments/teams are sent to individual managers. But it’s no problem to set up sending the report to anyone else.

How long does it usually take to get onboarding up and running in Teamio?

If the company already uses Teamio, then once the formalities of the purchase are completed, onboarding can be started in a single day.

What should I do if I’m interested in this service?

Click the Tell me more button or contact your LMC sales representative.