arnold's topics

Ready-made and custom topics

Arnold has prepared, in collaboration with HR experts, more than 35 short, approximately 5-minute conversations covering various aspects of the employee experience. It is a companion for the entire time that the employee spends in the company – it maps how they felt during recruitment and their first months in the new job, regularly verifies their satisfaction, direction and development, and when the paths of the employee and the company diverge, it also discusses with them the reasons for leaving. You can customize topics or create them from scratch.

Conversation form

Arnold conducts surveys in a human and comprehensible manner in the form of short, approximately 5-minute interviews. He avoids abstract questions and incomprehensible scales. Thanks to this, he receives more honest and open feedback from employees and maintains an average reply rate of around 70 percent.
conversation form arnold robot
Reporty pro manažery a vedení arnold robot

Reports to all managers

At the end of each topic, Arnold prepares a clear report with the results for both top management and managers of individual teams. Managers can therefore start working with their team immediately and effectively, make decisions based upon data, not assumptions, and delegate what they may not be able to do themselves.

Smart anonymity

Arnold works actively with a feeling of so-called psychological safety. It gives people the ability to switch to anonymous mode and back during the conversation depending on how comfortable the person feels at that moment. This provides Arnold with more candid responses, making further work with them as easy as possible.
Smart anonymity Arnold robot
Multilingual reports

Arnold speaks your language

Do you communicate in multiple languages within the company? Do you need to carry out the same research at branches abroad at the same time? No problem. Arnold can now communicate fluently in three languages – English, Czech and Slovak. And he is learning even more.

Everything in one place

You control Arnold directly from the admin portal. That’s where you upload the employee hierarchy, edit conversations, start a survey and find all the reports with the results.

By email, SMS or QR code

Arnold can invite participants to a conversation by email, SMS, or even with a QR code pasted around the factory floor. If employees do not have a company email or mobile phone, they can interact with Arnold in the form of a “kiosk” in shared areas.
By email, SMS or QR code Arnold robot

Arnold is safe

Arnold uses secure passwords and two-factor authentication. All stored information is GDPR compliant. Security is also monitored with penetration tests. Everything is described in detail in the technical specifications (in English).